What is and isn't ASB

We’re committed to tackling anti-social behaviour (ASB), hate crime and domestic abuse in our communities, and to be a major player in transforming the quality of life in our neighbourhoods.

ASB includes a wide range of unacceptable behaviour that affects peoples’ quality of life, including, but not limited to:

  • noise, like loud music or noisy parties
  • verbal abuse, harassment, intimidation or threatening behaviour
  • hate crime
  • vandalism and damage to property
  • nuisance vehicle noise
  • alcohol-related disturbances
  • littering, fly-tipping, overgrown gardens or hedges
  • pet or animal nuisance
  • misuse of communal areas or public spaces - loitering, prostitution, sexual acts, kerb-crawling
  • criminal behaviour.

Behaviour that we wouldn’t normally class as ASB includes:

  • household noise due to everyday living (such as babies crying, doors banging, toilets flushing or vacuuming)
  • children playing
  • one-off parties, barbecues or celebrations at reasonable times
  • cooking smells
  • DIY in reasonable hours
  • someone parked lawfully.

However, if any of the above is found to be having a harmful impact on a person because they are vulnerable, then we will investigate the matter further.

If you are suffering as a result of any kind of ASB: