Comments, Compliments and Complaints
Every customer is important to us. We aim to provide our services right first time, and to listen, advise and make sure we find solutions. Our goal is to resolve any queries at the first point of contact wherever possible.
If you’re not happy with something we’ve done, we want to hear about it so that we can put it right and make sure it doesn’t happen again. You may like to talk to us first, to see if it can be resolved quickly.
We have specialist teams for Repairs, Rents and anti-social behaviour, all of who would be happy to help.
Alternatively, you can contact us by email, complete our online form below or message us on Facebook or Twitter.
You can also give us a call Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.50pm on 0115 915 7333.
Or contact us in writing at:
Nottingham City Council Housing Services, Customer Relations Team, Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG.
How to make a complaint
Click the button below. We'll try to fix the problem as quickly as possible.
Our complaints process
You can find our complaints policy at the end of this webpage.
We will always try to understand the reasons why you are dissatisfied. By listening and working with you when things go wrong to put them right as quickly as possible we may avoid the need for you to make a formal complaint.
If you do choose to make a formal complaint, we will continue to support you and help you through the process.
Our two-stage internal complaint process
Stage 1 is investigation. We will log your details, and the reasons for your complaint. We will then carry out an investigation, and provide you with a response within 10 working days.
Stage 2 is review. If you feel the issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can ask for the complaint to be escalated to a Nottingham City Council Housing Services Director. We will then send you a final response within 20 working days of being escalated. This is the final stage in our complaints process and your case will be closed.
The Housing Ombudsman
If you don’t feel that things have been resolved, you can ask for your complaint to be reviewed by the Housing Ombudsman (or, if the complaint is about the allocations process, by the Local Government Ombudsman). They’ll investigate your complaint and gather evidence to help them reach a decision. Their powers are similar to those of a court in terms of getting evidence, and they’ll keep you up to date with the results of their investigation. Their decision is final, and there is no right of appeal. Details on how to contact them can be found on their website which can be found on their website here.
The Housing Ombudsman also publishes the Complaint Handling Code, which sets out a standard of requirements and best practices in handling your complaints. Details of it can be found on their website here.
Make Things Right
This government campaign aims to make sure more social housing residents who need support know how to make a complaint. It is based on the idea that everyone deserves a home that is safe, secure and well maintained, and anything less is unacceptable. And if a resident has reported an issue and it hasn’t been fixed, it’s now easier to make things right. You can read more on the website here.
Make a compensation claim
If you believe that Nottingham City Council is responsible for any loss or damage to your property our compensation claim form will help you to make a claim by making sure we have all the information we need to properly investigate it. Click the button below to open the claim form.
Sometimes, you might just want to let us know what you think about the work we do. Your views can help improve our services so do please let us know what you think. We regularly make improvements as a result of what our residents have told us.
It's always good to know we’re getting something right – and it’d be great to hear from you if we’ve done a good job that you’re happy with. If it’s a particular member of staff who’s involved, we’ll make sure we let them know. Please let us have the details.
You can make a comment or compliment by email, by using our contact form or by messaging us on Facebook or Twitter.